
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Swipe with Square - Mobile Card Processing

Imagine a simple, intuitive way of accepting credit card payments on-the-go. Eliminate the hassle of setting up payment gateways, purchasing expensive equipment, and constantly dealing with monthly fees and transaction limits.

Introducing Square, the convenient, mobile credit card processor that works on Android, iPhone, or iPad. "Never miss a sale again," states the SquareUp website for the Square Card Reader.
With only a 2.75% fee per swipe (or 3.5% + $0.15 per transaction on manually-entered cards), Square is extremely affordable.

There are two versions of the Square App. The Square Card Reader allows anyone to accept credit card payments. Simply enter the amount you wish to charge, add a description of the sale and photo if desired, and then swipe (or manually enter the card number) to authorize the sale. You have the option to require a signature for purchases (Square requires a signature on transactions $25 and up).

Square also calculates taxes once you configure the tax percentage for your area. Upon checkout, tax and an option to leave a tip are added to the sale.

The second version of Square utilizes the advanced features of the iPad. The Square Register allows you to add and control inventory, create an elegant checkout experience for your customer, and utilize wired/wireless printers and cash registers.

You get all the features of the Square Card Reader in addition to first time and loyalty rewards, coupon discounts, and enhanced statistics.

Square Register allows you to add and edit inventory, create a favorites list, and secure important features (such as discounts) with a PIN.

I have experimented with both the Square Card Reader on iPhone and the new Square Register on iPad, and have determined that on both devices, Square has proven to live up to its expectations.  The square credit card reader is a simple device that you plug in to the headphone jack of your android or iOS powered phone or iPad.

The process is simple:

  1. Download the Square app and Sign Up for free (in app)
  2. Receive your free Square card reader in the mail (up to 10 business days for shipment)
  3. Link your bank account to your Square account
Once everything is set up, Square will automatically deposit funds into your bank account on the following business day that the funds were received. So, for example, if you were to initiate a sale of $10 on Wednesday, you will see the $10 (minus the 2.75% transaction fee) appear in your bank account on Thursday.

If you are looking for an affordable way of accepting credit card payments for your small business, perhaps Square will be able to help! Their card readers are free and can be ordered online, in-app, or at a retail store such as Best Buy.

Have you started utilizing Square yet? If so, I would love to know how you are implementing this innovative, mobile reader with your business!

Visit the Square website at


  1. I saw one of these at Walmart a few days ago. It seems as if they are gaining popularity. You have to buy them for $10, but you get the $10 back once you activate your account.

    1. Yes, Walmart also carries the Square card reader. However, I have only come across the black card readers (the first to come out), and not the newer white card readers. The only retail store that I have found the new white card readers is Best Buy.

      Square is definitely emerging as a strong competitor to other merchant gateways.
